Support DMHC and improve the lives of those most in need.

Support DMHC and improve the lives of those most in need. image




"Carry each other's burdens and you will fulfill the law of Christ" - Galatians 6:2

Your support directly improves the lives of those most in need in our community. Divine Mercy Health Center is a faith-inspired 501(c)3 organization designed to simultaneously improve the physical, mental, and spiritual health of those we have a privilege to serve.

We build trusted relationships and empower those we serve by providing medical missions throughout the community. Our ministry assesses the barriers that prevent many from achieving their best health. These can include issues such as poverty, low education, mental health, housing, hunger, and/or transportation barriers to name a few. Our Care Connection team works with each individual patient on a longitudinal care plan to help them attain their goals for an improved quality of life. We are a local ministry that believes in a neighbor helping neighbor model to improve the communities in which we live.